About Us

 A little bit of History


The Kerry is an indigenous national Terrier of Ireland, going by the name of Irish Blue Terrier. It first came to the public eye when it was adopted as the national dog of the Irish Republic. The Kerry originated in the mountainous regions of County Kerry from which its name was derived; they have been purebred in this section of Ireland for at least 175 years.

In some instances, Kerry Blue Terriers have been used in England and on the Continent for police work. During World War II in Great Britain many Kerry Blue Terriers were used for guarding factories, aerodromes, POW camps, working parties, etc. The army was, and still is, enthusiastic about the dog's guarding qualities and his ability to discriminate between friend and foe. There has been much conjecture about who was the first to import the Kerry into the United States and where they were first shown. It is known that Kerry Blues were imported shortly after the First World War and it is believed that these early dogs formed the basis of American breeding. Today, the U.S. has become the Kerry Blue breeding center of the world.



Who we are

Kerry Blue owners are almost as much fun as their dogs. Club events bring Kerry owners together to socialize and learn more about the breed.

The KBTCNC strives to foster interest in the breed whether for show or as household companions. In addition to sponsoring dog show events, we hold regular meetings and events ranging from an annual picnic to workshops on agility, grooming, herding and obedience. Social events such as our Holiday dinner meeting give us an opportunity to share tips on everything from grooming, to health, breeding and handling the Kerry at home and in the show ring. We welcome prospective owners and members at all events.

Whether you're anxious to try your hand showing your Kerry or you'd just like to be around people who own and love Kerries, the KBTCNC has something to offer every Kerry lover. If you would like to attend a meeting or just talk with someone about Kerries, feel free to contact any club officer.